A Day, Punctuated by Insomnia

1 min readJul 1, 2021

Got under the covers and two seconds later-


I am beyond envious.

Who decided I should miss out on

that luxurious release,

god give me a peace

because I am always the fingers


Counting, tap.

Naming, tap.

In my head complaining.

Then there’s the fear,

for years and years

it’s always been

hiding there behind the scenes.

Constantly, tap.

Give me the secret, tap.

Don’t damn well keep it.

Oh, I would like to know

how do you go

to sleep

like a switch?

When life’s a bitch.

Have you not thought it through?

Every angle. Every side?

What do you do?

When you switch the light off at the wall

that is not all.

You’re switching yourself.

Power down.

All clockwork but I,

I’m at fault as I lie

In the dark

all alone,

in my head

and my home.

The night is not good.

